Digitalization has certainly helped many young adults to manage their finances to keep pace with the demands of their active and busy lifestyles. From enjoying cashless transactions, to conveniently booking movie tickets and paying necessary bills, most of the millennials’ activities can now be done with just one click or tap on their smartphones.
As most banks now offer online banking, many Filipinos can experience transacting on-the-go or in the comfort of their homes. Unlike traditional banking, going online also provides you with an easier way to save and track where you are spending your money.
But if you are hesitant to register your account in online banking because of security issues and concerns on the internet, here are some tips and tricks to help you keep your money safe from digital threats:
Use personal devices and connections

Change your password regularly
It is important to safeguard accounts with passwords to prevent any unnecessary threats. Make sure that your passwords are strong enough by incorporating a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and even special characters. Most online banking systems issue periodic reminders that account holders should regularly update their passwords to avoid a breach of their accounts.
Avoid clicking suspicious emails
Ever saw an email saying you won the lottery? Sounds tempting but do not fall for it, especially when it is asking for your personal details and card information. The best thing you can do is to ignore these spam messages or call your bank to confirm if they recently sent you the email.
Keep your apps and system up-to-date
Make sure you have your antivirus software or firewall protection system turned on to keep your devices safe from various malware that could open access to your data. You should also update your bank’s mobile applications to ensure that you get the best and secure banking experience.
Monitor your accounts and transactions
Embrace the habit of checking your account balances regularly so you can immediately see if there are any suspicious transactions. By always reviewing your online statements, you can be sure that your financial accounts are in order.
And for most banks nowadays, you can enjoy features that keep your account from getting compromised. Just like with RCBC Online Banking and its special Card Lock and Unlock security feature that can safeguard your savings. This allows you to temporarily restrict withdrawal, point-of-sale purchase, fund transfer or online payment transactions on your debit or prepaid card when it is lost or stolen. You can also use this security feature anytime to prevent yourself from making impulsive purchases.
To activate the Card Lock and Unlock feature, you can simply log in to your RCBC Online Banking account and select Card Lock-Unlock feature on your account dashboard. You just need to slide the lock button and encode your card PIN to verify your action. After this, your account is now safely locked. Aside from this feature, RCBC also ensures the safety of your account with its secure servers that protect any sensitive data from viruses and malware that may expose your information. It also provides a one-time password which is sent to your phone every time you log in to RCBC Online Banking.
Enjoy simpler and safer banking with RCBC
now. Visit
for more information on how to start!
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