Lamudi Philippines’
2015 research shows that more sellers are choosing online platforms to
advertise properties
More Filipino real estate professionals are now going
digital. This is according to the latest research released
by global property website Lamudi Philippines.
According to the research, 59 percent of surveyed
respondents—majority of whom are PRC-licensed real estate brokers—said that
they are using online listings platforms to advertise their properties. A
further 18 percent of these Internet-savvy professionals use social media
websites to promote their listings.
In contrast, only 12 percent of the surveyed professionals
admitted to using traditional media (such as printed classifieds) to advertise
their listings, while 10 percent said they are using their organization’s MLS.
In the Philippines, real estate professional organizations run their own MLS or
multiple listings service wherein brokers can share listings and establish
contractual agreements among themselves.
What the future holds
The Philippines’ Internet landscape is quickly changing,
shifting, and growing. The country’s Internet penetration stood at 44 percent
in January 2015, an increase of 26 percent on the previous year, according to a
study conducted by We
Are Social.

This dramatic increase in Internet penetration in the
Philippines has a profound effect on how brands and businesses market their
products, and the real estate industry is no exception. In fact, despite being
practically unheard of in the Philippines in the early to the mid-2000s, real
estate websites and listings portals are now the most common channels where
real estate professionals, property developers, and private sellers advertise
their properties for sale and for rent.
As a result, the marketing expenditure of real estate
advertisers is gradually shifting from offline to online, or at least an
increasing proportion of their budget is now being spent on digital. With the
growing popularity of listings websites, consumers now have information
literally a mouse-click away.
Being online is
different from being successful online
However, it is not enough to have a website or list
properties on an online property platform to capture a market. A clear
understanding on how Filipinos consume online content is crucial and will make
(or break) a successful digital marketing strategy for online marketers,
including in the real estate industry. Lamudi’s research has listed the trends
that will shape digital marketing over the next few years.
1. Facebook usage
is shifting
Filipinos are some of the world’s most avid users of
Facebook. A study conducted by market research firm On Device Research in 2014
found that of the Philippines’ Internet population, a staggering 94 percent of
them have Facebook accounts—about one in every three Filipinos. In fact, data
from SimilarWeb shows that Facebook is the most visited website in the
Philippines, followed by YouTube and Google.
2. Mobile messaging
3. The growth of
Smartphone penetration in the Philippines is predicted to leap
to 50 percent by the end of 2015. This is due to the increasing popularity of
cheaper smartphones, especially Android devices. What is also interesting about
Filipino smartphone users is that 44 percent of them are aged between 25 and 44
years, according to On Device Research. This is the age bracket in which most
people have stable incomes and higher spending power.
In addition, Filipino smartphones users are on their phones
far longer than their peers in Southeast Asia. Forty percent of Filipino
smartphone users spend more than five hours per day on their phone, according
to On Device Research, which roughly translates to 30 percent of our waking
4. Filipinos’
online search behavior is changing
Intent-rich moments (what Google calls “micro-moments” in
which consumers reflexively turn to a device—increasingly a smartphone—to act
on a need to do, learn, discover, or even buy something) are also presenting a
huge marketing opportunity for brands, including real estate companies.

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